I Love The Rain: A Grounding and Calming Song About The Rain For Kids!

Do you love the rain? I love a warm summer rain... specifically when I am home, cozied up with a blanket, and waiting for the cool mountain air to blow in. The sound of rain can be very relaxing, and it's one of those sounds I don't mind dozing off to. (I mean, I'll take a nap any day.)

Here's a fun fact about the rain that you can share with your clients or students: Rainbows are caused by rain, and here's how it works! (From growingplay.com):

"When sunlight shines on rain droplets in the air, it separates into different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo. These colors combine to make up rainbows!" 🌈 It really is amazing when you take a minute to think about it!

This month we shared a beautiful song about the rain by my new friend and singer-songwriter Claudia Robin Gunn with our Song-of-the-Month Club members called I Love The Rain (we share the Mp3 & chords/lyrics of original songs every month, so sign up to receive a free children song every month, too!).

I Love The Rain is a grounding, calming song that takes listeners through a sensory, musical story-telling experience about fondness for the rain.


Here's a little bit of the inspiration behind I Love The Rain, shared by Claudia:

"Before I learned to love the rain though, I once got stranded in a terrible downpour while waiting for a bus in another country. There was no bus shelter, I didn’t have a phone and it was just me and the rain, for over an hour. At first the waiting wasn’t bad, the skies were clear and it was a quiet green walled neighborhood with ornate gates and mute letterboxes... But the moments ticked on and on, and it started to rain in big thick pelting droplets. After feeling sorry myself for a little, I started singing to the raindrops, trying to ignore the drips as they seeped through my denim jacket. I sung my way through all the rain songs I could think of before a bus finally pulled up to the rescue. Raindrops are a very tolerant audience, and they don’t judge your timing or delivery, so it was an experience that I’ve never forgotten."

(Isn't that beautiful?! She's an incredible storyteller!)


Follow Claudia on Instagram: @ClaudiaRobinGunn and check out Claudia's music on Spotify!


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